Visual Design | Branding Specialist | Graphic Designer

dm for reopening announcement

Illustration done by Tobiotin

Pricing and Samples

Commission Status: ClosedAll Prices are in USD. Every commission is charged up to 15% of commission total that goes towards PayPal service charges and Adobe Creative Cloud costs. All commissions come with Personal and Commerical Use Licensing. If you'd like Merchandise Licensing, it's 2x the commission total.

All-In-One Bundle

A perfect all-in-one package to have all your assets matching and in-theme together. Made for V-Tubers in mind, but can be customized to fit any kind of content creator!
This bundle is offered in mind of making everything perfect for you, so substitutions and edits to the bundle are encouraged and allowed, but will require communication with me beforehand.

What's included

✦ Live and Just Chatting Screens
✦ Starting Soon/Brb/Stream Ending Status Screens
✦ Schedule Template
✦ 6 Sub Badges
✦ 9 Bit Badges (base badge + recolor only)
✦ 6 Panels (+ a credits panel)
✦ Banner made to scale for 3 platforms of choice
✦ V-Tuber Name Logo

static overlays

$75 per Overlay
(Live, Just Chatting, Schedule, or Event)
$125 for 3 Status Scenes
(Starting Soon, BRB, Stream Ending)
Additional layouts or modular formatting can be discussed during the creation process.

Bronze Package

$125Comes with:
✦ Live Screen
✦ Just Chatting Screen
Just Chatting Screens can be swapped for other Overlays of equal value

Silver Package

$225Comes with:
✦ Bronze Package
✦ 3 Status Screens
Status Screens come in 2 format options:
Full Screen + Art Showcase

Gold Package

$300Comes with:
✦ Silver Package
✦ Schedule Template
Schedule Templates come in 2 format options:
Full Screen + Art Showcase


$25 for the base badge design+$25 per unique badge
+$20 per detail-added badge
+$10 per recolored badge

Bundles of 6+ badges are given a 5% discount ✦ Bundles of 10+ badges are given a 10% discount ✦ Bundles of 15+ badges are given a 15% discount
Badges are exported for both badge and icon sizing! (18x18px, 36x36px, 72x72px, 28x28px, 56x56px, and 112x112px)


$100 base price
Includes 6 panels of the same design
+$5 per additional panel after the 6th
All panel commissions come with a free "Credits" panel included (not counted towards the base 6 bundle)

Name Logos

$100 base price
Additional drawn assets might be charged an additional cost, similar to badges. Final pricing can be discussed in DM's!
NOTE: Selectively accepting clients for the time being until I get more comfortable with my capabilities!


$60 base price
+$10 per variant (resizing and reformatting to fit each social media platform)

Upcoming Services

Here are some services I'll start listing soon, once I get more practice in! If you're interested in commissioning me for them and would like to be a tester for me, I'll be offering a 30% discount on them until I post them on the main list of services!

  • Emotes - $30/per (very selective and small scale for now)

Additional Services

If you're wanting to commissions something else from me that you're not seeing listed here already, please let me know so I can see what I can do for you! I'll either have to learn something new, or I might know a few artist friends I can suggest you to at the very least! If I get enough requests of a specific service, I'll work towards making it available on the next big site update.Thank you for showing interest and giving me valuable feedback on my work!

My Portfolio

Here are some more samples of my work! Check back here often to see more updates on my art and design journey!

terms of service

Please read these terms of service carefully before choosing to commission me. By commissioning me, you are accepting my Terms of Service.
Terms of Service are subject to change and if they are changed during the duration of our commission together, I will be sure to inform you of any changes.

Important Note on the use of AI Generated Images

  • In light of the growing popularity of AI "Art" I would like to make clear that I do not, nor will I ever, support using AI Generated Imagery.

  • I will not be using any AI Generated Images as showcases for any of my designs and I do not allow for them to be used on any of my designs once the commission has been completed either.

  • For my commissions, I make tags that fit your overlay's design to seemlessly credit the artists who've worked on the phenomenal pieces you would like to showcase, free of charge.

  • Even after the initial commission has been completed, I will gladly edit your art tags to fit different artist's names/usernames/platforms for free, no added cost at all, and will be done ASAP with top-priority so you can swap out and use different art pieces whenever you'd like to with ease. All you have to do is DM me and ask.

  • If you find it difficult to find and commission artists for whatever reason, I highly suggest you look through resources such as Skeb and Picrew as they offer accessible, affordable, and sometimes even free means to get art produced by real artists instead of using AI which steals from and copies real artist's work.

  • If you'd like some suggestions on artists and friends of mine you can commission for various different styles as well, I have many recommendations that I would be absolutely delighted to share with you!

General Terms of Service

  • Commissions are not done on a first come, first serve basis. Due to status checks, payment delays and other factors, there's a chance I will have multiple on-going commissions.

  • I retain all the rights to the art and design work. That is, I can freely post the projects, WIPs, and any other related content to my social media platforms, as well as stream the process of making them on my Twitch.

  • lf you'd like me to not post or share your project, you may request that, but make sure to do so before I've begun working on your commission. An additional cost may be added to do so, depending on circumstance.

  • You do not have the rights to recolor, retouch, redistribute or edit any part of any commission. Alterations and edits may be requested post-completion for a addition charge.

  • Using adult language with me is perfectly acceptable and I encourage you to not filter yourself around me, however being blatantly rude or disrespectful towards me or about anyone else will result in me immediately stopping communication with you as it never has, nor ever will be tolerated. You will be blacklisted and you will be called out for this kind of rude behavior.

  • I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason I deem fit. Asking me to do a style that is not mine or being rude to me will result in you being blacklisted automatically.

  • You must credit me for the work done. You are not allowed to claim the work as your own. You may credit me by putting what I contributed to in the panels section of your stream with a link to my Twitter and Twitch. [NOTE: Twitch now has an artist badge, and if you have one to spare, I would greatly appreciate that badge. If not the artist badge, then the VIP badge would also be highly appreciated.]

  • Payments for commissions are only accepted through PayPal by paying an invoice that I send to you.

  • All prices listed are not final. Additional costs may be added due to complexity and/or special requests, however they will be thoroughly discussed and mutually agreed upon before an invoice is sent and paid for.

  • Every complete commission is handed to the client via Digital ZIP File and will include a mockup as well as all the files to size required. Project Files (such as .ai files) will not be provided, ever. (See Edits and Revisions for more info.)

Client Expectations

  • Clients are expected to bring references and list of ideas that they want already for the commission. However, if you're having a hard time deciding on what you want and would like me to brainstorm with you, I will gladly do so!

  • Consultation/Brainstorming Sessions may be charged $20 per hour. I will be sure to let you know if this is the case. This is dependent on the quality of references you bring to me.

  • In special and rare instances, if there is not enough references provided and it causes the work process to be slowed dramatically, stopped or causes a lot of major edits to happen during the working process, a 30% service charge to your commission total will be charged.

  • Showing me references of other design assets made by different designers are welcome, however, do not expect me to recreate or copy their style. Understand that I will not be working outside of my provided styles (unless I'm beta trialing a new style, of which I will let you know upon commission request.)

  • References of all other kinds are welcome, whether that be your Original Character / V-Tuber Model Reference materials or references from your favorite video games, movies, shows, etc.

  • Tipping is highly appreciated!

Commission Licensing and Credits

  • All stream asset commissions come with Personal and Commercial Use Licensing.

  • The commissions do not come with Merchandise Licensing.

  • If you would like Merchandise Licensing, it must first be discussed with me and the commission cost is doubled.

  • You must credit me for the work done. You are not allowed to claim the work as your own. You may credit me by putting what I contributed to in the panels section of your stream with a link to my Twitter and Twitch.

  • If you have not commissioned me for panels, but would like a free, pre-made credits Panel I have a number of pre-made options available at your selection and I am also willing to recolor them to fit your channel's theme/branding, per your request. Otherwise, all panel commissions come with a free credits panel included.

Edits and Revisions

  • Any and all revisions due to error on my end will be done 100% for free, no questions asked.

  • During the working period of the commission, notes for edits will be taken into account and be reflected in each update provided. If large edits that require scrapping old elements in place of new ones are requested however, an additional charge may be applied, depending on circumstance. Any additional charges for edits will be discussed and mutually agreed upon, as always.

  • After the commission has been deemed completed, edits may be requested. An additional charge may be applied.


  • All Prices are in USD.

  • A service charge of up to 15% of the commission total is charged extra to cover PayPal service charges and pay for Adobe Creative Cloud costs.

  • New Referred Clients and returning clients will only be charged a 10% service charge. You must be referred by a past client and provide proof of referral.

  • Payments are only taken through Paypal Invoices. An invoice will be sent to you. This is the only way I will accept payment for mutually agreed upon commission.

  • Twitch donations, gifting subs or bits, sending money through PayPal without an invoice, or any other way of sending funds to me will not be accepted as payment for commissions.

  • You will not request any PayPal chargeback.

  • Refund requests may be placed only with good reasoning before I start working on the commission. After I've started working on your commission, however, no refunds will be issued.

  • If commercial licensing has to be bought for the completion of your project (i.e. Font Licensing,) I will charge 90% of the licensing cost and retain the licensing thereafter. Absolutely no licensing will be bought without your explicit consent beforehand.

  • I will be sure to tell you about the licensed assets I use in each project as well as providing links to each asset, where applicable.

Time Frame, Rush Orders, and Off-Season Commissions

  • I will always try to complete your commission ASAP, but please be patient with me. I am a real person with family, friends, a job, and my own well-being to take care of and prioritize. I do not spend every waking moment working, please be considerate of that.

  • If I have other commissions ahead of yours, I'll be sure to let you know and give you a very rough estimate as to when I'll be able to start it, as well as give you updates whenever you move up the queue or when I'll be ready to start your commission.

  • I will provide updates of my own accord, however if you'd ever like an update because you haven't heard from me in a bit, please contact me at any point and I will respond to you within 24 hours unless notice has been provided otherwise, which you will also hear of from me personally.

  • Please refrain from spamming for updates. Please respect the timeframes that I've given you.

  • No Rush Orders will be accepted for any Custom Code commissions as I work with a friend on them and I refuse to rush her to get the commission done. If you are commissioning any Custom Code assets, please only do so if you are okay with waiting for a finished product. Updates will be consistently provided so as to not leave you in the dark via a group DM between you, Mary, and myself.

  • No Rush Orders will be accepted for Individual Services (with exception to off-season commissions.)

  • Rush Orders can be placed on only part of a bundled order. You can rush order a maximum of 3 Individual Assets (ex: Panels, 3 Sub Badges) or 1 Overlay Screen of your bundle for a 75% extra fee of the assets you choose to prioritize.

  • Rush Ordering will prioritize your request ahead of others in queue and must be mutually agreed upon for it to be honored. On the invoice, you will see the itemized Rush Order Fee in the price breakdown.

  • Tipping or Donating does not count as paying for a Rush Order. It must be discussed and agreed upon by me first and foremost.

  • Rush Orders will not be accepted unless I am provided at least 10 business days (Monday-Friday, not including holidays) to get the rush order completed in time for you.

  • I will take no more than 2 Rush Orders at a time.

  • I will not be accepting commissions that have a strict deadline within 2 months of placing the request. You are welcome to tell me a timeframe of which you'd like to receive the commission's completed package (or individual assets) and I will try my best to accomodate them. However, any time less than a month to work on the commission will be treated and charged like a Rush Order.

  • If my commissions are closed but you would still like to commission me during off season, you still may request to commission me. Be prepared to be charged an additional fee if I choose to accept your commission during off-season.

  • During off-season, new clients will be charged 75% the commission cost and returning clients will be charged 50% of the commission cost in addition to the base cost. Bundled commission requests will not be accepted during off-season work.

  • Off season commissions will be treated like Rush Orders and will be prioritized over personal projects / giveaway projects.

How to commission me

Thank you so much for showing interest in wanting to commission me. Please note that by reaching out to me to commission me, you're stating that you've fully read and agree to my Terms of Service.

Step one: Ready your references

Before you reach out to me, please ready your references in any digital format you see fit. (I strongly suggest the use of google drive, but if you'd like to DM your references directly to me, that works just as well!)
If you aren't sure on what exactly it is that you want, and need help coming up with ideas, I'm more than willing to workshop ideas with you, however please be aware that an additional consultation/brainstorming charge might be applied.

Step two: Reach out to me

Once you get your references for me, feel free to reach out to me!! The best ways to do so are through Twitter or on Discord (LaniLauro#0916). I will try to respond as soon as possible, in most cases within 24 hours of you initially sending the message, however if you're experiencing a wait time longer than that, please reach out to me again!!When you reach out to me, please let me know what you'd like to be called and tell me that you'd like to commission me as well as a brief overview of what you'd like as well as if you have any requests for rush ordering!

Step three: Payment

After I've accepted your request, I'll be sending out an invoice for you to pay. Work on your commission will not be started until full payment has been received. You can choose to pay the invoice as soon as you receive it or as I get to your position in the queue. Please be courteous of my time as well as other clients time and be patient. I will keep you updated frequently as your place in the queue moves up and/or when I'll be able to start work on your commission.Failure to pay the invoice within 48 hours of the informed start date will resort in me removing you from my commissions list. If you'd like to request again, you may but your spot on the list will not be saved.

Step four: Working Period

As a client, I would greatly appreciate it of you to be available and attainable during the working period of your commission. I'll be messaging you throughout the working period of the commission to show you Work-In-Progress updates where I'll be asking for your input.All minor edits and changes are 100% free during the duration of the working period on your commission. Major edits and changes are subject to an additional charge.Taking longer than 24 hours to respond to me could lead to me working ahead in the queue while keeping your project active as I await a response from you. This may mean that it takes a bit longer to complete your commission.IMPORTANT NOTE:
Unless you've told me in your request to not share the progress or stream the process of your commission on my social media, you have agreed to allowing me to post any and all content about your commission freely.

Step five: Commission Completion

Once you're happy with the commission and all the finishing touches have been done, I will then be completing and closing the commission project with you. You, the client will receive a ZIP File that will contain all of the assets you've commissioned from me as well as mockups that you're allowed to freely post onto any social media platform of your choosing!Note: Some bundled projects may also come with additional branding guideline presentations. If you'd like to specifically request branding guideline presentations to be made for your commission, let me know. An additional charge may be applied.

Step six: Uploading and Crediting

Once you've received your exported work, you're free to upload and post about it!Crediting me properly is required as a part of my Terms of Service. Please make sure to tag me on tweets with credits on any posts you make yourself regarding our commission. On Twitch, a direct link to my Twitter and Twitch in your About section is required.
If you're not sure on how to do, please refer to the formatting on the right, or feel free to copy the text below here and just paste it in for whatever asset I've made for you and/or how you use it.
For Example:
Overlays: Lanilauro | [Twitter]( ✦ [Twitch](
In addition, if you haven't commissioned panels from me but would like a free "Credits" panel from a pre-made selection to credit me and all the other amazing people who make your stream have that special touch, please let me know and I'll gladly even offer free minor edits to fit your stream's branding to any option you choose!Lastly, if you're ever having any troubles at all with setting up any of your assets or presentations, please feel free to contact me and I'll be absolutely delighted to help you make sure everything's set up perfect for you and your community!